2023-2024 will be an Olympic year at EELM!
This year, the entire EELM community is taking part in a major year-long project based around the Paris 2024 Olympic Games and European Culture.
The aim is for primary and secondary pupils and teachers to share cultural, sporting and artistic activities at three different times during the school year. To do this, all the pupils drew lots to select a member country of the European Union. Each EU member country (+ the United Kingdom) is represented by a group of pupils, from P1 to S5, whose flag-bearer is a primary or secondary school teacher, also chosen by lot.

The aim is to share activities between teachers and pupils from different cycles, levels and language sections.
The first highlight of the year took place on Tuesday 26 September 2023: we celebrated Language Day, during which the pupils got to know their new culture, their new language and their new fellow citizens. During the morning, they met each other, learned about the country they represent and created a message to welcome their country’s athletes to the Olympic Games.

The next two events will be Europe Day on May 9 and Olympic Day on June 4.